Does Cheescake Factory Hire Felons?


For individuals looking for work after a felony conviction the food industry and specifically the Cheesecake Factory may be a great job option to consider.

In the bustling restaurant industry, The Cheesecake Factory stands as for its extensive menu, famous desserts, vibrant atmosphere, and a desirable place to work.

Lets take a closer look at what types of entry level jobs are available at the Cheesecake Factory, how much you can earn, pros and cons of working at this restaurant chain, as well as what the past employees have to say about it.

Does Cheesecake Factory Hire Felons?

The Cheesecake Factory, like many employers, may have policies regarding the hiring of individuals with felony convictions, but these policies can vary depending on factors such as the nature of the offense, the individual’s rehabilitation efforts, and local laws and regulations.

In general, The Cheesecake Factory, like many other companies, considers each applicant on a case-by-case basis. They may conduct background checks as part of the hiring process, which could include reviewing criminal records. However, having a felony conviction does not automatically disqualify someone from employment.

The company may take into account several factors when considering candidates with felony convictions, including the type of offense, the time that has elapsed since the conviction, evidence of rehabilitation, and the requirements of the specific job role.

Some states have laws that limit employers’ ability to consider criminal history during the hiring process, such as “ban the box” laws, which prohibit employers from asking about criminal history on job applications or during initial interviews. Instead, they may only inquire about criminal history later in the hiring process, typically after extending a conditional job offer. These laws are aimed at giving individuals with criminal records a fair chance at employment.

Additionally, The Cheesecake Factory may have specific policies or programs in place to support the hiring of individuals with criminal backgrounds. For example, they may participate in programs that provide job training and support services to individuals with barriers to employment, including those with criminal records.

Check out our guide to the Top Jobs That Hire Felons In 2024

Does Working At The Cheesecake Factory Require a Criminal Background Check?

While specific hiring practices may vary by location and individual circumstances, The Cheesecake Factory typically conducts background checks as part of its hiring process. These background checks may include criminal history screenings to ensure the safety and security of both employees and customers.

However, it’s essential to note that having a criminal record does not automatically disqualify someone from employment at The Cheesecake Factory. The company may consider various factors, such as the nature and severity of the offense, the time that has passed since the conviction, and evidence of rehabilitation, when making hiring decisions.

Ultimately, each applicant is assessed on a case-by-case basis, and individuals with criminal backgrounds may still be considered for employment based on their qualifications and suitability for the position.

Also, check out our comprehensive guide to Jobs That Don’t Require A Criminal Background Check.

Average Salary

One of the primary considerations for anyone contemplating employment at The Cheesecake Factory is the salary. According to various sources, including Glassdoor and Indeed, the average hourly wage for Cheesecake Factory employees ranges from $10 to $20 per hour, depending on factors such as location, position, and experience. Servers and bartenders may also earn tips in addition to their base pay, potentially increasing their overall earnings.

How to Apply For a Job At The Cheesecake Factory

Interested candidates can apply for positions at The Cheesecake Factory through various channels, including:

Online Application: Visit the official website of The Cheesecake Factory or job search platforms like Indeed or Glassdoor to view current job openings and submit an online application.

In-Person Application: Some locations may accept in-person applications or resumes, allowing candidates to express their interest directly to the hiring manager.

Employee Referrals: Networking with current or former employees of The Cheesecake Factory may provide valuable insights and potential referrals for job opportunities.

Recruitment Events: Keep an eye out for recruitment events or job fairs hosted by The Cheesecake Factory, where candidates can learn more about available positions and connect with hiring managers.

You can also consider alternative jobs in the food industry such as Dunkin Donuts and Uber Eats.

Pros And Cons of Cheesecake Factory Jobs


Diverse Work Environment: The Cheesecake Factory prides itself on its diverse workforce, fostering an inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive.

Comprehensive Training: Employees receive thorough training to excel in their roles, ensuring consistent service and high-quality standards.

Career Advancement Opportunities: The company offers various paths for career advancement, with opportunities for promotion to supervisory or management positions for dedicated employees.

Employee Benefits: Benefits such as healthcare coverage, retirement plans, and employee discounts are available to eligible staff members, enhancing overall job satisfaction.

Vibrant Atmosphere: Working in a lively and dynamic restaurant environment can be exhilarating, with opportunities to interact with diverse customers and team members.


Long Hours: Like many jobs in the restaurant industry, working at The Cheesecake Factory may entail long and demanding hours, especially during peak times and holidays.

High Expectations: The Cheesecake Factory maintains high standards for food quality and service, which can lead to pressure and stress for employees striving to meet these expectations consistently.

Fast-Paced Environment: The fast-paced nature of restaurant work means that employees must be able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, which can be challenging for some individuals.

Potential for Burnout: The demanding nature of the job, coupled with long hours on your feet, may lead to burnout if not managed properly.
Limited Work-Life Balance: The restaurant industry often requires evening, weekend, and holiday shifts, which can impact work-life balance and personal commitments.

Reviews of Working for The Cheesecake Factory

Cheesecake Factory Jobs

Employee reviews offer valuable insights into the workplace culture, job satisfaction, and overall experience of working for The Cheesecake Factory. While individual experiences may vary, common themes emerge from these reviews:

Positive Work Environment: Many employees praise the supportive and inclusive work environment at The Cheesecake Factory, citing camaraderie among team members and opportunities for growth.

Challenging Yet Rewarding: Several reviews highlight the challenging nature of the job but emphasize the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in providing excellent service to customers.

Opportunities for Advancement: Employees appreciate the company’s commitment to promoting from within and providing opportunities for career advancement based on merit and performance.

Work-Life Balance Concerns: Some employees express concerns about the impact of long hours and irregular shifts on their work-life balance, particularly for those with family or other commitments.

Overall Satisfaction: Despite challenges, many employees express overall satisfaction with their experience working for The Cheesecake Factory, citing competitive pay, benefits, and a positive company culture.

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